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Friday, July 9, 2010

Oil spill and your lawn....

So are you asking yourself this question...."If this oil spill comes to shore will it damage my lawn?"

The answer is no, the oil is not going to be in your water even if you have a shallow well. The oil sheen is not currently expected to impact domestic wells. Here is some information on this matter. I also have a few question and answer information.

Public water systems in the Gulf region are not currently expected to be impacted by the BP Spill. If you have any concerns about your water, contact your water utility company.
Your water supplier must notify you by newspaper, mail, radio, TV,or hand-delivery if your water doesn't meet EPA or state standards or if there is a water borne disease emergency. The notice will describe any precautions you need to take, such as boiling your water. Follow the advice of your water supplier if you ever receive such a notice.
If you have any concerns about your water, you should contact your water supplier. The oil spill is not expected to affect drinkingwater. If your water supply does not meet EPA or state standards your water supplier must notify you by newspaper, mail, radio, TV,or hand-delivery.
Why is EPA sampling and monitoring the water?

EPA is tracking the prevalence of potentially harmful chemicals in the water as a result of this spill to determine the level of risk posed to fish and other wildlife. While these chemicals can impact ecosystems, drinking water supplies are not expected to be affected.
The oil itself can cause direct effects on fish and wildlife, for example when it coats the feathers of waterfowl and other types of birds. In addition, other chemical compounds can have detrimental effects. Monitoring information allows EPA to estimate the amount of these compounds that may reach ecological systems. When combined with available information on the toxicity of these compounds, EPA scientists can estimate the likely magnitude of effects on fish, wildlife, and human health.
I hope I helped a litttle with this information, I know I'm a little off the subject of this blog but if anyone needs this kind of information here it is.
As always thanks for reading please comment and follow.


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